Giove: mappa più recente

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'''Planisfero relativo al 01-02 agosto 2008'''
<br>'''Jupiter planispheres composed with images taken on 2019 June, 09-11'''  
[[Immagine:Map_L2_200808_01-02.jpg|thumb|center|700px||Planisfero di Giove del 01-02 agosto 2008]]
<br> Maps prepared by Marco Vedovato with the software [ WinJUPOS].  
[[Immagine:Map_L1_200808_01-02.jpg|thumb|center|700px||Planisfero di Giove del 01-02 agosto 2008]]
Queste mappe sono state prodotte da Marco Vedovato con WinJUPOS.
'''λ3 SYSTEM MAP (equirectangular projection, zenographic latitudes, North up)'''
[[Image:J Map L3 201906_09-11.jpg|thumb|center|980px]]
===Note su alcuni fenomeni attualmente visibili===
'''λ2 SYSTEM MAP (equirectangular projection, South up)'''
[[Image:J Map L2 201906_09-11.jpg|thumb|center|700px]]
''Ovali SSTB'' - Treni di macchie bianche a latitudine 40°S, sono vortici anticiclonici che persistono per anni, come quelli denominati A1 --> A5, che sopravvivono almeno dal 2003. Il loro moto li porta a sorpassare la Macchia Rossa (GRS) circa una volta all'anno.
'''λ2 SYSTEM MAP + LABELS (equirectangular projection, South up)'''
[[Image:J Map L2 201906_09-11_labelled.jpg|thumb|center|700px]]
''Ovale BA'' - E' il risultato della fusione di tre ovali precedenti, nati nel 1939-40, che si sono fusi nel 2000. E' un largo vortice anticiclonico a circa 33°S, che nel 2005 si è colorato di una tinta arancio analoga a quella della Macchia Rossa (viene scherzosamente chiamato "Red Spor Junior"). Il suo moto lo porta a sorpassare la GRS ogni due anni.
'''λ1 SYSTEM MAP (equirectangular projection, South up)'''
[[Image:J Map L1 201906_09-11.jpg|thumb|center|700px]]
''SEB'' - Dopo il ciclo di indebolimento e rivitalizzazione del 2007, la fascia appare ancora attiva, con la formazione di notevoli perturbazioni cicloniche (treni di macchie bianche irregolari) al suo interno.
[[Image:J Map South L3 201906_09-11.jpg|thumb|center|700px]]
''Regione equatoriale'' - Indebolitasi la massiccia Banda Equatoriale degli ultimi due anni, la EZ appare chiara e i classici festoni sono relativamente pochi e non prominenti.
[[Image:J Map North L3 201906_09-11.jpg|thumb|center|700px]]
''WSZ (White Spot Z)'' - E' nata nel 1997 come una delle macchie bianche (anticicloniche) che appaiono a 19°N. Si è caratterizzata, oltre che per la longevità, per il moto veloce (verso longitudine decrescente), che la porta a interagire con macchie simili della sua latitudine, stazionarie nel Sistema 2. Al suo passaggio, queste ultime vengono destabilizzate e scompaiono, mentre altre ne nascono dietro la WSZ. Quest'anno esse sono accompagnate da un certo numero di condensazioni scure (cicloniche), a latitudine appena inferiore, che stanno entro la NEB o costituiscono proiezioni della fascia entro la NTrZ.
=== Remarks about some visible features  ===
''NTB (N. Temperate Belt)'' - Anche questa fascia si è rivitalizzata nel 2007, e ora è costituita da due componenti, separate da una zona intermedia chiara. Il componente sud mantiene il colore arancio esibito dalla fascia a partire dal giugno 2007.
''SSTB Ovals'' - White spots at 40,5°S, long-lived anticyclonic eddies named A1, A2, A3 ... Their drift rates bring them to overtake the GRS about once a year.
* [[Giove|Visita la Sezione Giove]]
''BA Oval'' - It results from the merging of three pre-existing ovals in 2000. It is a large anticyclonic eddy, close to latitude 33°S; in 2005 its color turned to a pale red. Its drift rate causes BA to overtake the GRS about every two years.
''STrB'' (South Tropical Belt)- Color intensity and latitude of this belt vary according to longitude.
''GRS (Great Red Spot)'' - Its border is sometimes marked by a dark ring; the inner region is currently pale red. Its size is gradually shrinking.
''SEB'' (South Equatorial Belt)- This belt disappears periodically; each disappearance is followed by an outbreak that restores its usual activity. Actually there is, on the southern border, a large disturbance, known as "South Tropicakl Disturbance" (STrD).
''EB'' (Equatorial Belt)- Sometimes a faint belt develops in the Equatorial Zone. After its formation the belt slowly fades away, only to reappear during the periods of most intense activity of the planet.
''NEB''  (North Equatorial Belt) - This belt is the darkest on the planet, active both along the edges and in its inner regions. About every four years it expands northward, and then it shrinks back. This phenomenon entails the production of white ovals and dark spots along the broadening edge. 
''WSZ (White Spot Z)'' - This spot formed in 1997, as one of many (anticyclonic) white spots at latitude 19°N. A long-lived spot, characterized by a fast prograde drift that brings this spot to interact with other ones sharing the same latitude, but that are usually stationary in System II. In November 2013 its color turned to a light reddish hue.
''NTrB'' (North Tropical Belt) - It undergoes periodical outbreaks of white spots and dark condensations that produce veils in the neighboring zone (NTZ), in the same manner as SEB and NEB.
''NNTB'' (North-North Temperate Belt) - Its appearance changes with longitude, with some more noticeable dark streaks.
''LRS'' (Little Red Spot) in NNTZ - Hardly conspicuous, but long-lived feature. Placed at latitude 40°N, it formed as early as 1993. Periodically, its red color becomes more intense.
*[[Giove|Visita la Sezione Giove]]

Versione corrente delle 13:04, 12 giu 2019


Jupiter planispheres composed with images taken on 2019 June, 09-11

Maps prepared by Marco Vedovato with the software WinJUPOS.

λ3 SYSTEM MAP (equirectangular projection, zenographic latitudes, North up)

λ2 SYSTEM MAP (equirectangular projection, South up)

λ2 SYSTEM MAP + LABELS (equirectangular projection, South up)

λ1 SYSTEM MAP (equirectangular projection, South up)



Remarks about some visible features

SSTB Ovals - White spots at 40,5°S, long-lived anticyclonic eddies named A1, A2, A3 ... Their drift rates bring them to overtake the GRS about once a year.

BA Oval - It results from the merging of three pre-existing ovals in 2000. It is a large anticyclonic eddy, close to latitude 33°S; in 2005 its color turned to a pale red. Its drift rate causes BA to overtake the GRS about every two years.

STrB (South Tropical Belt)- Color intensity and latitude of this belt vary according to longitude. GRS (Great Red Spot) - Its border is sometimes marked by a dark ring; the inner region is currently pale red. Its size is gradually shrinking.

SEB (South Equatorial Belt)- This belt disappears periodically; each disappearance is followed by an outbreak that restores its usual activity. Actually there is, on the southern border, a large disturbance, known as "South Tropicakl Disturbance" (STrD).

EB (Equatorial Belt)- Sometimes a faint belt develops in the Equatorial Zone. After its formation the belt slowly fades away, only to reappear during the periods of most intense activity of the planet.

NEB (North Equatorial Belt) - This belt is the darkest on the planet, active both along the edges and in its inner regions. About every four years it expands northward, and then it shrinks back. This phenomenon entails the production of white ovals and dark spots along the broadening edge.

WSZ (White Spot Z) - This spot formed in 1997, as one of many (anticyclonic) white spots at latitude 19°N. A long-lived spot, characterized by a fast prograde drift that brings this spot to interact with other ones sharing the same latitude, but that are usually stationary in System II. In November 2013 its color turned to a light reddish hue.

NTrB (North Tropical Belt) - It undergoes periodical outbreaks of white spots and dark condensations that produce veils in the neighboring zone (NTZ), in the same manner as SEB and NEB.

NNTB (North-North Temperate Belt) - Its appearance changes with longitude, with some more noticeable dark streaks.

LRS (Little Red Spot) in NNTZ - Hardly conspicuous, but long-lived feature. Placed at latitude 40°N, it formed as early as 1993. Periodically, its red color becomes more intense.

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